MAF Meeting April 3: “The Importance of Pre-Production”

Following our regular Mid America Filmmakers business meeting… Nathan Bechtold and Mark B. Racop from the Indiana Filmmakers Network will present on “The Importance of Pre-Production”

This meeting will focus on the importance of production planning, assembling crews, scouting locations, creating budgets and gathering the resources to make your next project a successful one. Whether it be for film, video, stage, events, life-in-general, etc. Pre-Production is extremely significant, a crucial and critical step that is often overlooked, not fulfilled, and under-used. As it is a mantra with many filmmakers, “You can never really have too much Pre-Production”.

Nathan Bechtold is a Lafayette, Indiana based filmmaker/creative, and the current state president of Indiana Filmmakers Network Inc. He has been an active board member of the IFN for over nine years, helping to establish multiple IFN chapters, hubs, partnerships and affiliations across Indiana and beyond. Professionally, he writes studio reviews for upcoming films, he is a script doctor, character developer, and creative consultant. He also enjoys acting, is ex-AFTRA, and has performed in multiple stage, screen, studio, new-media productions.

Mark B. Racop, of Magichouse Productions & Fiberglass Freaks Batmobile Replicas, will be speaking from the perspective of Independent Filmmaking and how to work on a shoe-string budget. Perfect topic for local up-n-coming filmmakers! Magichouse Productions is a full-service video production company based in Logansport, Indiana, with works ranging from short-commercials to full-length feature films.

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Following the presentation, we will have our cas

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